How To Defeat Anxiety

We all get overwhelmed at times, some of us more often than others. At 1Connect Consulting, our team can relate to feelings of stress and tension, which is why we’ve been researching different ways to overcome anxiety:

Tackle the Physical Response: When you’re anxious, your heart races, and you release cortisol, a hormone that triggers your fight-or-flight response to whatever is concerning you. To immediately combat this feeling, focus on deep, cleansing breaths. This will slow your heart rate and help you calm down. If you’re continually fighting anxiety, regular exercise will release endorphins, which also conquer stress. Similarly, enjoying time with friends or family will allow you to release tension.

Recognize What Makes You Anxious: Misplaced anxiety can impact your entire day. For example, if you’re dreading a meeting with your child’s teacher, it could turn into fear about a presentation at work. Know where your anxiety is coming from and don’t let it drift into other areas of your life. 

Put Things Into Perspective: Sometimes, it’s something small that can weigh heavy on your mind and cause symptoms of anxiety. Maybe your car is having mechanical issues, or a friend is upset with you over something trivial. Put it into perspective. What is the biggest fear at this moment, and is it the end of the world? Chances are, most problems that stress us can be resolved and in the grand scheme of things, while important at the moment, are not worth the anxiety they cause. Remind yourself of what is good in your life and that this too shall pass, because it will. 

As our team at 1Connect Consulting has noted, anxiety can be defeated and confidence restored using a few simple techniques such as those listed above.